Monday, June 10, 2013

Second quarter project: Mars Miniature Golf Design Challenge

This was one of the original ideas for first quarter, but didn't quite fit.  After obsessively playing miniature golf online on, I decided to research ways to incorporate designing a miniature golf course into a project.  I found a gem online with exactly what I was looking for: it included the common core standards, mathematical practices standards, and an exemplary detailed possible solution for reference. A hole in one!  See the link below to view the drafted details of the project or click HERE.

Project Planning Form - Mars Miniature Golf Design Challenge
Mars Miniature Golf Challenge

First quarter project: NASA Rover Challenge

Over the past several weeks I've been brainstorming ideas for the 1st quarter project involving integers and the coordinate plane with an aerospace flavor.  I partially filled out project planning forms for a few initial ideas: "Mars Urban Planning Challenge" and "Mars Mini-Putt Design Challenge."  After continued research and brainstorming, I encountered a rover game on NASA's website and decided to turn it into an extended project.  I borrowed some ideas from the GTT teacher for the project sheet.  I'm still finalizing the project planning form.  Click on the "NASA Rover Challenge" link below to view the project record sheet or click HERE.

Here are the drafted forms for the project:
NASA Rover Challenge
Command Sequence Record Sheet
Terrain Budget Record Sheet
Collaboration Rubric
Sojourner Rover Model
10 x 10 Coordinate Grids (for possible solutions)
10 x 10 Grid - Final Terrain Design

Friday, May 24, 2013

Circle mosaics finished!

Most students finished their final drafts of the circle mosaics.  Students helped me cut, arrange, and tape each circle - it was definitely a collaborative effort!  They'll be posted in the 7th grade locker area next year as a reminder of their creativity, effort, and perseverance.

Circle Mosaic Project Rubric

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Rover races at the Space Foundation

Students had the opportunity to apply their knowledge of diameter and circumference to calculate the number of rotations needed to stop their rover at a precise distance.  Students kept asking "Do we get to do this again tomorrow?"

Activity Worksheet

Friday, May 10, 2013

Mother's Day cards

Students got to practice their skills with measuring and calculating radius, diameter, and circumference while making their mother of choice a card.

This student chose to complete his calculations on a separate sheet

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Planet projects on display

Planet projects on display for the Spring Curriculum Exposition.

The postcards were certainly my favorite!


Planet Project Rubric
Planet Project Calculations Sheet
Planet Project Peer Review Form

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Ratio & rates projects

Students had several options for their ratio & rates projects but the most popular were a game board, vocabulary scrapbook, and comic.  Here's an example of a comic created using Paint.  Some formatting issues occurred when typing, but you get the gist!

Friday, April 12, 2013


Students participated in our own version of NASCAR racing to practice calculating speed.  Each group member raced for 4 seconds while the other team members measured and recorded data.  Afterward students had to calculate their speed based on their distance and time.

Students measuring distance
On the move!